Social Skills
Webinar Date: Feb 05, 2013
Presenter: Dr. Bonnie Goldblatt
Topic: General Parenting, Social Skills
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As parents we are quick to intervene when our children need help with academic skills. Yet, when they struggle socially, we are often at a loss about how to help and sometimes even end up getting angry at the child. This webinar will focus on ways to help children successfully navigate their social environments. We will break down the various aspects of social interactions, such as initiating contact and starting a conversation, and discuss strategies to help children learn to interact socially in the same step-by-step manner that they learn other types of skills.
Dr. Bonnie Goldblatt
Bonnie Goldblatt, Psy.D, a clinical child psychologist and New York City learning specialist, specializes in parent counseling and treatment of students who struggle due to behavioral, emotional, or social issues. Dr. Goldblatt worked as a psychologist at the Churchill School. As a clinician, she has worked at the Herbert G. Birch Services, Claremont Children’s School, West End Day School, the Aaron School, and was the Director of Special Services at the 92nd St. YM-YWHA. Dr. Goldblatt is an Early Childhood Consultant for the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services. She received her Doctorate from the Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology of Yeshiva University and her masters in Learning Disabilities from Teacher’s College, Columbia University.