Optimizing Your Learning Space with Low Budget Tips and Tricks
Modern learning needs modern learning spaces. As we look to craft curriculum and instruction to prepare our students for further education and careers, it is essential that they have an opportunity to learn in spaces that support this mission. Designing excellent learning spaces isn’t about decorating, but it is about having intentionality. Prepare to leave with a variety of ideas and first steps that can be used to transform your space with very little budget.
Robert Dillon
Dr. Robert Dillon has served as a thought leader in education over the last twenty years as a teacher, principal, and director of innovation. He has had the opportunity to work with teachers and leaders throughout the country, and he continues to speak at local, regional, and national conferences. Dr. Dillon is the co-founder of ConnectED Learning, a Saint Louis non-profit dedicated to affordable, quality professional learning for teachers and is the author of four books on best practices in learning, Leading Connected Classrooms Engage, Empower, Energize: Leading Tomorrow's Schools Today, Redesigning Learning Space, and his most recent book on learning space design called The Space: A Guide for Educators. Dr. Dillon has been honored by Common Sense Media, The Center for Green Schools, the dSchool at Stanford University, the Buck Institute for Education, and Future Ready Schools.