Bring Calm to Your Classroom
Webinar Date: Feb 06, 2024
Presenter: Nancy Siegel
Topic: Behavior, Emotional Health
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You set the emotional tone for your classroom, and creating calm in the classroom is about equipping you with your own inner toolbox of self-regulatory and self-management tools so you can model and teach them to their students. In this experiential webinar participants will learn evidence-based, relatable, accessible, and fun mindfulness tools and techniques that they will be able to implement into their classrooms.
Nancy Siegel
Nancy Siegel is an internationally recognized presenter, teacher trainer, and author specializing in mindfulness education and children’s yoga teacher training. For more than 20 years, she has created yoga and mindfulness inspired and educationally based programming that has resonated with school leaders, educators, parents, children and executives. She has a Master's in Educational Leadership, completed Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction training, holds multiple Yoga Alliance accreditations, has a Registered Children’s Yoga School and is a Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher Trainer.