Social Problem Solving
Children and teens face complicated social dilemmas as they navigate their days with classmates and friends. This webinar will describe the benefits of developing the important life skill of social problem solving and introduce several specific approaches. Integrating lessons in social problem …

Weaving Social Emotional Learning into ELA Curricula (CTLE eligible)
Emotional literacy—the ability to name, manage, and productively express our feelings and to empathize with the feelings of others—is a skill too often neglected in the traditional teaching model. This webinar will outline how elementary school teachers can weave emotional literacy instruction …

A Force of Nature: Supporting Strategies for Impulse Control
Does your child struggle with impulse control? Join this webinar to learn about strategies for supporting your child in maintaining self-control. Gain an understanding of the Stages of Development and learn practical strategies such as self talk, the “5 Step Plan”, and …

Getting Leor on the Guest List: Boosting Social Success for Your Students
Teachers play an integral role in facilitating social and emotional competence in their students. Within their academic curriculum, regular routines, and free play, teachers can instruct, model, and direct fundamental social skills that can generalize to all areas of life. Social expectations …

Are You Thinking What I Think You’re Thinking? Nurturing Social Thinking In Children
For children who struggle with social learning, day to day life in school can be an enormous challenge. In this webinar, noted author and lecturer, Michelle Garcia Winner, shares some practical ideas for educators and parents to help children with social cognition …

Promoting Social Skills and Social Growth
This webinar will consider how most children develop their social skills, and how to help those children that struggle to do so. The role of parents and educators in supporting such skill development, and the use of formal educational and informal opportunities …

“Nobody Wants to Be My Friend!”
Children spend most of their waking day in school among classmates. For many students, making and keeping friends is a struggle that may seem even more daunting than the most challenging learning difficulty. This webinar will help parents understand some of the basic …

Social Skills
As parents we are quick to intervene when our children need help with academic skills. Yet, when they struggle socially, we are often at a loss about how to help and sometimes even end up getting angry at the child. This webinar …

Social Cognition: The Science of Relating (part 2)
This two-session course will present different aspects of social cognition. Participants will gain an understanding of what children with strengths in social cognition look like, how difficulties in social cognition are manifested and what children with difficulties in this area experience. Additionally, …

Social Cognition: The Science of Relating (part 1)
This two-session course will present different aspects of social cognition. Participants will gain an understanding of what children with strengths in social cognition look like, how difficulties in social cognition are manifested and what children with difficulties in this area experience. Additionally, …