Hidden Sparks Without Walls is a webinar series designed for educators and administrators serving Jewish day schools. The Parent Connection is a webinar series that offers parents a way to deepen their understanding of learning and behavior.

Certificates of Participation/CTLE Hours

Hidden Sparks issues certificates of participation, at no charge to all participants that attend the live event. We are not able to issue certificates to viewers of a recording. Participants are also eligible for one New York State Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) hour for a $15 administrative fee.   (Please note that webinars designated as  “For Parents” are not eligible for CTLE.)

Those who wish to receive CTLE hours should register and participate in the webinar. Following the webinar, a survey link will be sent with the option to request a CTLE hour.  Please complete that form within 72 hours of the live webinar and pay the $15 fee. The certificate will be emailed to you within one week of your request. Please be in touch with Margaret Sarro at margaret@hiddensparks.org if you have any questions.


Date: Mar 26, 2025 @ 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm (Eastern)
Instructor: Tamar Appel