Every child is unique, with individual talents, strengths, affinities and challenges. HS believes in the importance of nurturing the “hidden spark” within each child and celebrating their uniqueness. Collaborating with students in the process of uncovering and addressing their learning and behavior styles and needs fosters a sense of optimism about his or her future learning and growth.
Supporting learners involves a process of observation, description and reflection. Using language that is descriptive and specific, learners are carefully observed through the multiple lenses of cognition, development, temperament, and behavior. Reflection allows deeper understanding of ourselves and our students. Teacher and student awareness of individual learning and behavior strengths and challenges will empower schools to create solutions and meet the needs of diverse students.
“Two are better than one; for if they fall the one will lift up the other” (Ecclesiastes 4:9) A commitment to the spirit of collaboration at all levels, begins with teacher-student collaboration, and teachers’ belief in their responsibility to help every student succeed. Collaboration includes teamwork among professionals, and within and across schools. Collaboration increases our ability to help students succeed and underscores the critical importance of involving all who have a view of a child’s strengths and challenges in conversations aimed at understanding and addressing the child’s needs.
Everyone is capable of change and growth. A powerful way to help students grow is to develop communities of life-long learners. The professional growth of educators and the development of school-based resources is best facilitated through a multilayered process