Randi Goldfarb

Randi Goldfarb, Founder and President of Zak & Nat™ (a division of Proactive Connections, LLC) is a seasoned Licensed Clinical Social Worker, published children’s book author, dedicated preschool teacher, mother of two spirited boys, and the creator of the Keep Calm Kit™. She is an impassioned problem-solver with a keen ability to focus on proactive based solutions, which are an integral part of the workshops and trainings that she delivers in preschool settings. Randi focuses on empowering educators, caregivers and children to connect and stay connected, by creatively building social-emotionalskills, thus improving communication skills for everyone.Like most of us, Randi has little time to spare, but when she can, she loves to ride her bike or go for a brisk walk/run to keep the adrenaline flowing, trying to solve another challenge, as she is inspired by the beauty and potential around her.