Sibling Sniping, Bedtime Battles, Homework Hassles…Are We Having Fun Yet?
Webinar Date: Jan 13, 2014
Presenter: Joanna Faber
Topic: Behavior, Communication, General Parenting
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Do you try to avoid threats, bribes, and punishments, but find yourself using them anyway, just to survive the day? Join us for a webinar with parenting expert Joanna Faber and learn how to help your child cope with difficult feelings, engage your child’s cooperation without sacrificing good will, and resolve conflicts without punishment. You’ll come away with new skills you can use immediately to make your life with children easier and more satisfying.
Joanna Faber
Joanna Faber, MS, is the daughter of Adele Faber, internationally acclaimed, best-selling author of many parenting books. Joanna received her master’s degree in Education from Lehman College and went on to teach at PS 161 in West Harlem. She is the recipient of an outstanding teacher award from City College. She lectures on communication skills and conducts workshops around the country based on her mother’s work and her own extensive experience. She contributed heavily to Faber and Mazlish’s most recent, award winning
book How To Talk So Kids Can Learn – at Home and in School, and wrote a new section, "The Next Generation", for the 30th Anniversary Edition of How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk.