Understanding Your Child’s Psychoeducational Assessment Report
You’ve had a comprehensive evaluation of your child’s functioning….now what?! In this webinar, we will review the different areas of a typical psychoeducational assessment report. The goal is to help parents understand the different areas assessed, including cognitive, academic, language, executive processes, and social-emotional functioning. Additionally, we will discuss how to digest and use the information that is provided to help your child.
Dr. Orit Goldhamer
Orit Goldhamer, Ph.D., a child, adolescent, and young adult NYS Licensed Psychologist in New York City, provides psychotherapy and psychoeducational testing as a private practitioner. She also is the Middle School Psychologist at Churchill School and Center, an adjunct Professor at Manhattanville College and adjunct Supervisor at Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology at Yeshiva University. Dr. Goldhamer received her Doctorate degree at Ferkauf in School and Clinical Psychology. She also worked in the Speech, Language, Learning and Hearing Department of the New York City International Center for the Disabled and as the Crisis Residence and Residential Treatment Facility psychologist at the Children’s Village in Dobbs Ferry, NY.